Sunday, February 14, 2010

I have an announcement to make...


Contrary to everything you’ve heard, Valentine’s Day is not about diamonds. “I knew that,” you retort. “It’s about roses and chocolate.” Try again. “Kissing your sweetheart? A romantic evening? Giant teddy bears clutching hearts? Getting a dinner date?” Nope.

Let me help you out here. After all, it’s hard to hear a still, small voice while the world screams at you. It’s no wonder we’re so confused. Our heads are buried in media, while the truth lies hidden in the Word of God, sitting comfortably on a nearby shelf.

Today is not an annual contest to see who has the most flowers on their desk at work. Nor is it a day for attached women all over the globe to smirk at those lonely girls walking past them in the hallway. No, it’s not even an appointed night where God magically allows self-pity, tears, and misery for those who are still single “according to His will,” as they will tell you. They are simply ‘bearing their cross,’ they say, sniffling. Or are they victims of the commercialization of ‘love’?

The world, and it’s prince, would LOVE for you to feel that God is cruel in keeping you single. If you have *finally* found that someone that God was *hiding* from you in years past, beware the discontentment that will surely find you. The nagging comments and wagging heads that say, “What will he do for you? When will you see him? Has he sent you flowers yet? Do you have a ring???” And in between those questions is the undeniable, underlying message, strait from the prince of the power of the air himself: nobody loves you. Not even Him. Take this gray dot** and sulk your way home for another evening of nothing, boring, lonely and gray. Watch the freezing rain freeze on your windshield, and let your dreams go with it. In my eyes, you’ll never be anything without the accolades and flirtations of men. One is not enough. Words are not enough. Flowers are not enough. Believe you me ~ his message is loud and clear. I know you’ve heard it.

But I come to plead with you… there is a better LOVE. There is a love which is true, pure, simple and demonstrated to us centuries ago, as much as it is today, right now, at this moment. It does not buy diamonds, or flowers, or sparkling hallmark cards with witty, mushy poems inside. Nor does it drive you to the movies, buy you a venti chai latte, and spend the evening locking you in a dreamy gaze. His love paints the orange and purple sunsets in the summer evenings, grows whole fields of unique wildflowers in their time, lights up the night sky with brilliant stars, and sprinkles each unique snowflake to the ground. It grants me breath for another sunrise, gives me strength for another conflict, and numbers the hairs on my head. It was His love for me that sent His most beloved Son to redeem my wicked soul. And if I close my eyes, shut out the screams of the world, and listen, I can still hear…

“I have loved you with an everlasting love.
Therefore, I have drawn you with lovingkindness.”
                                                                      Jeremiah 31:3

You and I have a choice to make. We can believe the truth of the Word of God, and allow His peace to rule in our hearts, bringing contentment. OR, we can pout, flirt, wonder, hope, dramatize, and wish for some, any material demonstration of that which will earn us a gold star** in the eyes of the ‘competition’ around us.

At this point, I know what you’re thinking. “It’s not that simple! What about the lonely feelings? What about the desires I have that are still ungratified? Doesn’t He want me to look cool to my friends? Doesn’t He know that I won’t understand His love until I’m IN LOVE?? How cruel is God anyway?”

That is not the question before us today. What is Valentine’s Day truly about? Material goods, social acceptance, and lingerie? Or is it about our heart attitude before a holy God?

I’ve made my decision. Now, it’s your turn.

** The grey dot and the gold star references are made in reference to Max Lucado’s story, “You are Special,” in which the little wooden people give grey dots for bad things that happen, and gold stars for talent, accomplishment, etc. Republished from an original 2008 essay.


  1. Noelle! I printed this off and read it the other evening. I enjoyed it, but felt that you were just getting started and then you ended it. Do you have more to share? The questions asked leave room for more to be said. :)
    ~ Jody

  2. Jody,

    Yes, I suppose there's much more to be said on the subject. I've thought about doing a second piece on the quote from C.S. Lewis that addresses the sappy, saccharine commercialism that has taken over "love."

    Perhaps in the next few months... :)


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