Wednesday, February 10, 2010

+++ Day Four +++

There's nothing like a hand-written letter. It's been said that, "In 40 years, no one will be saving bundles 
of emails." But those of us who have had the pleasure of knowing our dear friends through letters will still have those bundled and stored safely away. 

Hand-writing tells so much about a person. In a letter written by their hand, I can hear their tone and inflection speaking the words to me. 

No matter how much time goes by, and how much facebook threatens to re-define "friendship," letters will reign supreme as the elegant, personal way to communicate over the miles.

I am incredibly grateful for the bundles of letters I have received over the years. Each one is a special missive, unlike any other. Some have stamped seals, quotes from books, stickers and glitz, and poetry adorning the envelope. The inkblots and lines that strike through mis-spellings are what make them always and forever superior to electronic communication. They have personality and grace unmatched.


  1. I do so love a good hand written letter! I would like to say it's been over 8 years and I still have pretty much EVERY email your brother ever wrote me saved. :) Granted I have another 32 years to hold onto them to beat your quote...but 8 years isn't bad. :)

  2. ~AMEN~
    I love my bundle of letter from... YOU. :)


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