Tuesday, July 13, 2010

raindrops are falling on my head...

It clouds up, then the humidity comes and builds up to a lovely little sprinkle. Then comes the rain in sheets on the velvet green carpet of grass on the Capitol lawn. The day lilies drink up the water they've been waiting for with eagerness in their leaves. The ground is refreshed, the sun comes out again and everything is roses. The air smells sweet like rainwater and flowers. To wait through the rain with an umbrella, dressed in a trench coat seems only normal. We even complain about the wet dreariness and the sloppy shoes that accompany the drizzle. But to get lost in the dark and damp is to miss it's purpose; the grander scheme of things that stay beautiful, healthy and iridescent because the rain falls.

Sometimes the sky becomes a mirror for our emotions. We know well how to hide them from the rest of the world, but it feels free. Standing over the earth in majesty, it weeps some days. The night comes, and the moon guards the dark sky alongside thousands of brilliant stars. He calls them all by name. Then He brings the sun up the next morning, and all His mercies are new.

"The LORD is righteous in [Israel's] midst, He will do no unrighteousness. Every morning He brings His justice to light, He never fails..."  

"The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."                                                                                         - Zephaniah 3:5, 17

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful mental image. Beautiful Scripture. Thank you!


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